Collateral concerns loom over the futures market What can global banks and clearing houses do to help clients find the collateral needed to clear vast portions of their derivatives books for the first time? UPDATE 2-ECB gives national c.banks right to refuse collateral (Adds detail, comment from Bundesbank) FRANKFURT, March 23 (Reuters) - The ECB has given the eurozone's 17 national central banks the power to ban the use ofbank bonds underwritten by governments in EU/IMF ... Ninth Circuit on How Collateral Estoppel Applies in Immigration Proceedings Like a great many folks, I am constantly searching for clarifications on the finer points and nuanced approaches involved in arriving at the answers to questions of great importance in the realm of Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship law. 'Collateral damage' and the deaths of others The term "collateral damage" seems insidious, somehow making less meaningful the notion of "innocent bystanders." Children's art groups in Vancouver suffer 'collateral damage' from teachers dispute Children's arts group are suffering "collateral damage" from the B.C. teachers' job action. The groups derive significant revenue from weekday visits from school groups. With teachers concentrating on teaching, the organizing of such trips is left to overworked administrators or parents. Trinity CDO, Ltd - Notice of Public Disposition of Collateral Corporate Trust Services 9062 Old Annapolis Road, Columbia, MD 21045-1951 MAC: N2702-011 NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC DISPOSITION OF COLLATERAL March 23, 2012 To: Trinity CDO, Ltd. c/o MaplesFS Limited P. O. ... ECB Lets National Central Banks Veto Some EU Collateral The European Central Bank is giving its national central banks more leeway to reject certain types of securities issued by banks in Ireland, Portugal and Greece as collateral for ECB lending operations. Collateral warranties This guide was last updated in March 2012. Collateral damage THE younger brother of one of Osama bin Laden's widows, Amal Abdulfattah, has filed a legal challenge in the Islamabad High Court against criminal cases filed against Ms Abdulfattah and five minor children of the Al Qaeda chief. John C.K. Daly: "Collateral Damage" From Afghan Turmoil -- the TAPI Pipeline As the reverberations on the March 11th attack by a U.S. soldier on two Afghan villages continue to abrade U.S.-Afghan relations, the deteriorating security situation there will more than likely claim another victim: the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline.
Key Words: collateral