Friday, May 18, 2012

‘The Avengers’ Makes P281M in 5 Days Biggest Opening Ever PHL BoxOffice History! ExPhillie defaults on $75M state loan 38 Studios opts to pay not employees struggles remain solvent In brief new Northeastern U. entrepreneurship center misses payroll Curt Schilling's company $1.1M payment Kingdoms of Amalur dev missed Names & Faces collapse could cost Rhode Island taxpayers $112.6 million Reckoning may be trouble Report Elizabeth Banks Juggles Media Mommy Duties NYC

38 Studios Skips Payroll, Can't Pay State Update : The check 38 Studios hand delivered to the state bounced this afternoon. According to WPRI, the EDC will still accept the overdue $1.125 million payment if 38 Studios can find a way to come up with the money. ---------------------------------- The situation at 38 Studios is getting worse. The studio is reportedly paying the overdue $1.25 million it owes the R.I. Economic Development ... 38 Studios misses payroll, can't pay RI Curt Schilling's company missed payroll, then apparently gave the state a bad check to cover an overdue $1.125 million payment to the EDC. 38 Studios misses payroll, struggles to pay off state debt The grim news surrounding Kingdoms of Amalur developer 38 Studios continues to mount, as new reports indicate that the Rhode Island-based company was unable to pay its employees this week. Over the past several days, the studio has been in talks with Rhode Island officials to discuss its serious financial woes, and today a spokesperson for the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation ... 38 Studios pays Rhode Island state, but not its workforce The grim news surrounding Kingdoms of Amalur developer 38 Studios continues to mount, as new reports indicate that the Rhode Island-based company was unable to pay its employees this week. Over the past several days, the studio has been in talks with Rhode Island officials to discuss its serious financial woes, and today a spokesperson for the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation ... 38 Studios doesn't make payroll, can't pay state either [update] 38 Studios was unable to make payroll this week, but is in the process of making the $1.125 million payment that set off the company's crisis earlier this week. WPRI reports that a spokesperson for the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation (RIEDC) did confirm that former Red Sox player Curt Schilling's video game company was unable to pay its employees. A source tells Joystiq that beyond ... 38 Studios failed to pay RI over $1M 38 Studios defaulted on May 1 when it failed to make a required $1.125 million payment to the R.I . Economic Development Corporation, causing alarm at the State House about the company's finances, House Speaker Gordon Fox confirmed Tuesday. 38 Studios misses payroll 38 Studios misses payroll 38 Studios check rejected by EDC 38 STUDIOS LLC, Curt Schilling's video game development company, attempted to make a $1.1 million payment to the R.I. Economic Development Corporation late Thursday, but the EDC rejected the check when the company CFO said that there were insufficient funds to cover it. EDC rejects $1 million check from 38 Studios Rhode Island returns a promised payment of $1.1 million from former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling's troubled video game company after ... Curt Schilling's 38 Studios gives R.I. EDC a bad check for $1.1 million Curt Schilling's 38 Studios gives R.I. EDC a bad check for $1.1 million
Key Words: 38 studios
