Sunday, June 17, 2012

Man tries to pay for dinner with a bag of pot Hoping lure college grads Falls offers repay some loan debt Bicyclist struck by vehicle on Niagara Boulevard NU graduate honored making difference Polished Bolton brings the house down charged in connection weekend attack boxer Donating extra crops—it’s cool accused shoplifting 128 bags beef jerky Wallenda seeks donations offset high costs gets prison theft and blast wrecking glow orange honor World MS Day Weapons drug charges lodged following raid TV travel show host will give keynote address at DDDay!! Flea market benefit former Holy Trinity Church Maziarz face primary challenger Main Street man threat sword women’s clothes Deliveryman robbed two stabbed survives 180foot plunge over Would You Move City Th

Niagara Falls Tightrope Walk Is a Ratings Bonanza for ABC The daring stunt by Nik Wallenda netted 13.1 million viewers in the final half hour, according to preliminary ratings, and easily surpassed other networks for the night. Niagara Falls crowd builds for Wallenda wire walk The Wallenda family likes challenges. Niagara Falls tightrope walk: Nik Wallenda to walk across in historic stunt Though tethered to the wire to prevent falling to nearly certain death, Nik Wallenda will still have to contend with wind, water and an unfamiliar wire when he tries to walk from the U.S. to Canada. Letters: Ailing Niagara Falls needs economic boost Also a view on drone strikes Tightrope walker crosses Niagara Falls No wonder high-wire artist Nik Wallenda was on cloud nine. Wallenda exuberant after wire walk across Niagara Falls There was "wind coming from every which way," mist so powerful it clouded his vision and an unfamiliar wire beneath him, but daredevil Nik Wallenda didn't let that stop him from becoming the first person to walk on a tightrope across the Niagara Fall Niagara Falls tightrope walk 2012: Walker Nik Wallenda becomes first person to cross Buffeted by swirling clouds of spray, Nik Wallenda took 25 minutes to traverse the 1,800ft gap from Canada to the US on a 2 in-thick steel cable on Friday night. Media Decoder Blog: Niagara Falls Tightrope Walk Is a Ratings Bonanza for ABC The daring stunt by Nik Wallenda netted 13.1 million viewers in the final half hour, according to preliminary ratings, and easily surpassed other networks for the night. Daredevil High-Wired For Success Over Niagara Falls Nik Wallenda is the first person to walk directly over the falls. Thousands gathered to watch him inch along a tightrope Friday night. Though the wire was dripping from the mist, Wallenda accomplished a dream he'd had since childhood. Wallenda's Niagara Falls Tightrope Walk Stirs Excitement Nik Wallenda is scheduled to make his attempt on Friday evening.
Key Words: Niagara Falls
