Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Neil Armstrong 1st man on the moon dies Purdue had longtime friend in astronaut Report at 82 to walk has heart surgery first Astronaut Dies First Man On The Moon Dead | 19302012 a hero mankind Glenn praises as daring dedicated patriot Passes Away Celebrities Say Goodbye who gave world 'giant leap' with his footprint Today's cartoons Babysitting convention Private service planned for Friday Usher Granted Primary Custody of His Sons be Portman’s stories recall shy Armstrong’s impact

Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on moon, dies Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon as commander of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, has died at age 82. Neil Armstrong's Death May Spur Apollo 11 Landing Site Preservation The passing of famed astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon and commander of Apollo 11, may strengthen the movement to designate the Tranquility Base lunar landing site as a National Historic Landmark. Neil Armstrong: First moonwalker and cool-headed nerd A self-described nerdy engineer, the first human on the moon was also an unflappable problem-solver who survived a string of near-disasters Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering building celebrated It all came down to this. Before a crowd of several thousand, some of whom waited two hours in a cold intermittent drizzle, Neil Armstrong, 77, and 15 other Purdue alumni astronauts cut the ribbon on the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering. Astronaut: Neil Armstrong did 'the difficult thing' Astronaut Paul Weitz piloted the first manned Skylab mission in 1973 and commanded the first flight of the space shuttle Challenger in 1983, and later became deputy director of the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Read full article >> Neil Armstrong, first man on moon, dies at 82 Apollo 11 commander held true to his engineering roots Readers question play of Mitt Romney, Neil Armstrong stories The front page of Sunday's Times featured a large profile of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney as a preview to the GOP National Convention, which was to begin Monday. A similar profile of President Obama is scheduled for this coming... Neil Armstrong's legacy The passing of Neil Armstrong this past weekend marks that of a true hero. read more Remembering Neil Armstrong — the Eagle has landed indeed Astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, died as quietly as he lived. His modesty and self-contained sense of his role as a team player in an epic event is part of his legacy. Discovery Channel and Science Celebrate the Epic Life of Neil Armstrong with the All-New Special "One Giant Leap: A ... The special, featuring footage from Neil Armstrong's last public appearance, airs this Saturday, September 1 at 8:00/7:00c.
Key Words: Neil Armstrong
