Thursday, September 13, 2012

Filmmaker Was Warned His AntiMuslim Movie Likely To Spark Violence filmmaker identified as Nakoula Basseley Who's behind the film that sparked U.S. ambassador's death The Coptic Christian in California antiIslamic American Killed Libya Amid Protests Over AntiIslam Storify Sinking lower Behind antiMuhammad movie a new pastor Terry Jones Mohammed Movie’s Mystery Director Questions surround at center of protests Hiding After Deadly Who Made Video That Sparked Violent Mideast Is Ghost [Mysteries] Jeffrey Goldberg 'Sam Bacile' Profile Sam Bacile middleaged realestate developer controversial Innocence Muslims This Film Caused Americans Be In And Has Islam Pissed “Innocence Of Muslims” [Video] Politics Benghazi & Cairo Chronology

Who Is Sam Bacile And Why Does He Hate Islam? WHO is Sam Bacile? So far, the answer depends on who you ask and what you read. Early reports after Tuesday's violence against American diplomatic posts in Egypt and Libya identified Bacile as the producer and director of an absurd anti-Muslim film blamed for inspiring the anger of the mobs. Read more... Should "Sam Bacile" be jailed? Absolutely not! But an Ivy League professor, writing in USA Today, wants to lock him up for his hateful film Filmmaker Sam Bacile remains underground The murky account of a man who says he is responsible for a film that ridiculed Prophet Mohammed is raising questions about everything from his identity to the production. In telephone calls with news agencies, a man identifying himself as Sam Bacile said he was the filmmaker behind the movie that roiled the Islamic world. In Egypt and Libya, mobs targeted U.S. missions and blamed America for ... Sam Bacile And His Low-Budget Anti-Muslim Movie: Is It All A Hoax? Is there really a Sam Bacile, and does his movie, "Innocence of Muslims," even exist? So far only scant details have emerged about a filmmaker whose low-budget movie sparked deadly riots in Egypt and Libya that left four Americans dead. What We Know About 'Sam Bacile,' The Man Behind The Muhammad Movie Bacile had a $5 million budget and was warned his film portraying the prophet could incite violence. Sam Bacile: The Mysterious Filmmaker Who Set the Muslim World on Fire Update:  Mysterious is right. Skepticism about the actual identity of "Sam Bacile," the producer of the anti-Islam film Muslim Innocence,  appears to be justified. The Atlantic's  Jeffrey Goldberg contacted a consultant of the film, Steve Klein, who said that Bacile, contrary to previous claims in The Wall Street Journal and Associated Press, is not Israeli nor actually named Sam Bacile. (It's a ... 'Innocence of Muslims' mystery: Who is Sam Bacile? The man behind video excerpts from an anti-Muslim movie that provoked mobs in Egypt and Libya said Wednesday that he Is "Sam Bacile" a Figment of Orange County Imagination? The mystery of how Sam Bacile came to be attached to Orange County rivals the mystery of whether Sam Bacile even exists.Bacile is credited with being the producer and director of Innocence of Muslims, Mohammed Movie's Mystery Director Who is Sam Bacile, the man whose anti-Muslim hate film sparked deadly protests in Libya and Egypt? Christine Pelisek reports. Profile: Sam Bacile - the middle-aged real-estate developer behind the controversial 'The Innocence of Muslims' film If Sam Bacile wanted to make a stir, he certainly succeeded. Holed-up at a secret location in California, the middle-aged creator of "Innocence of Muslims" used telephone interviews to double down on his newfound notoriety, declaring: "Islam is a cancer, period!" Related Stories UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld reveals he'll be paid more than $100million for lifting the lid on tax fraud at ...
Key Words: Sam Bacile
