Thursday, January 19, 2012

Come on Zuck do you really mean it Stupid High School Kids Andy Samberg Neil Gaiman Trent Reznor Aziz Ansari Adam Savage & More Tell Congress Don't Pass PIPA Or SOPA In Our Names Jon Stewart Has Some Harsh Words For And Its Sponsors [Video] Web Activists’ Assault On AntiPiracy Bills Sends Supporters Fleeing Senator Ron Wyden To The Internet Thank You Speaking Up... But We're Not Done Yet Disney Refused Invitation From Feinstein Meet With Tech Companies Over PIPA/SOPA Learning leadership from An Updated Analysis Why Are A Bad Idea Dangerous Unnecessary Best Congressional Response Rep. Bruce Braley Takes *CENSORED* Explain His US Chamber Of Commerce Appears Argue That Apply NO Websites At All Denial MPAA Pretends No Big Sites Have Joined SOPA/PIPA Protes

SOPA and PIPA bills: old answers to 21st-century problems, critics say The SOPA and PIPA bills are an attempt by the music and movie industries to hold on to outdated business models, critics say. But finding compromise on anti-piracy laws could be tough.  SOPA Explained: Why It's Bad for the Web & How to #StopSOPA SOPA is proving to be more resilient than many had hoped, with Rep. Lamar Smith, its chief sponsor, vowing to bring it back for markup in February, just days after the White House released a statement that they would not support it. While many che... SOPA and PIPA Start Packing The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is unlikely to recover, at least in its present form, from the stomping it took in the maker community (and elsewhere) during Internet Blackout day. The Protect IP Act (PIPA) also received a healthy portion of trampling, too. It is said that this is the largest online protest in history. Breaking news from Wikipedia: "We're not done yet..." hat tip to Matt ... SOPA Opera: White House Shuts Down Proposed Online Anti-Piracy Bill SOPA Opera: White House Shuts Down Proposed Online Anti-Piracy Bill SOPA and PIPA bills: old answers to 21st-century problems, critics say (+video) The SOPA and PIPA bills are an attempt by the music and movie industries to hold on to outdated business models, critics say. But finding compromise on anti-piracy laws could be tough.  Why SOPA and PIPA Won't Stop Real Piracy Supporters of the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA (and its Senate-sister the Protect Intellectual Property Act, PIPA) legislation -- like the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) -- argue that legislation is needed because online piracy puts jobs and industries at risk. The SOPA Blackout Created a Big Problem My connections in the technology world are nearly universally opposed to SOPA. They (i.e. we) see it as a threat to the open Internet. Hollywood and the music companies say there is nothing to fear from ... Sopa blackout and day of action – live • Prominent congressmen withdraw support for Sopa • Wikipedia, Reddit and Google join online protest • Follow live coverage of the day of action • Watch our Sopa explainer here 5.04pm: We are going to wrap this up for the day, and what a day it has been. After the biggest ever day of online protest politicians have been deluged with opposition to SOPA and PIPA and a lot of people who didn't know ... SOPA Author Attacks Wikipedia, Schedules Debate on Bill The architect of SOPA, Rep. Lamar Smith, has scheduled a markup session next month in which the bill might be altered. Where Do SOPA & PIPA Stand Now? Over the weekend, there was a maelstrom of activity surrounding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA). With the U.S. House of Representatives reconvening today and the Senate following next week, now is a good time to catch a collective breath and figure out the status of the two bills.
Key Words: sopa
