Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stupid High School Kids Web Activists’ Assault On AntiPiracy Bills Sends Supporters Fleeing Translating Chris Dodd's Sanctimonious Bluster Internet Protests Into English Wikipedia Blackout Protest Has Plenty Of Company Come on Zuck do you really mean it What We're Doing This PIPA/SOPA Day Keeping You Involved Lamar Smith & MPAA Brush Off As Just A Publicity Stunt Google protest U.S. antipiracy proposals US SOPA protests Southwest Michigan reacts to day of blackouts Do care about blackout joins against piracy bill Editors Question Site's editors question site's

The Surprises of a Wikipedia Blackout In the hours before the blackout hit, coders and bloggers alike scrambled and many succeeded in finding ways around the anti-censorship protests on sites like Wikipedia, Reddit and Wired. Now that everyone's had the chance to tinker with the site, more details are emerging about the real effects of the blackout. Chief among them, because Wikipedia editors can't access the pages they need to ... Wikipedia editors react: the SOPA blackout is wrong We've all undoubtedly suffered a bit due to the Wikipedia blackout today. The site has censored itself to give the Internet a test of what the consequences of SOPA/PIPA regulations could look like. And while it's inarguably effective and has created something of a rally cry among devoted Web users, some take issue with the tactic—specifically, Wikipedia editors. Websites' Blackout Has Impact on Capitol Hill The coordinated, voluntary blackout of thousands of websites protesting online piracy legislation took Washington by storm on Wednesday, forcing lawmakers to reconsider their support and giving a momentum-changing boost to a technology sector battling to kill the business-, labor-, and Hollywood-backed bills. Internet blackout against law fails to enlist big sites A blackout scheduled for Wednesday to protest against proposed legislation on online piracy has failed to get the support of the biggest Internet players. Despite calls for the participation of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and other big names, the biggest participants are Wikipedia and the social-news website Reddit. Wikipedia Blackout Lets In Some Light Despite Wikipedia's 24-hour blackout, it is still possible to read Wikipedia's content in a number of ways. Chris Dodd: SOPA blackout an 'abuse of power' Former Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd, currently chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, condemned the SOPA "Blackout Day" as a "gimmick" and an "abuse of power" by the Web companies participating in the protest against pending anti-piracy legislation. Blackout Builds Movement Against Anti-Piracy Laws Thousands of internet sites are taking part in a "blackout" protest against anti-piracy laws being discussed in Congress... SOPA/PIPA blackout: 'The Day the LOLcats Died' SOPA blackout day is a dark day — literally. With a black bar across Google's logo and other sites turning their robust user-driven sites into a single black page. One team, though, avoided donning black, and chose instead to sing out its angst with this viral video "The Day the LolCats Died." Read full article >> SOPA blackout: How to get around the Wikipedia protest Wikipedia imposed a SOPA blackout today, redacting its English encyclopedia in protest of the US bill. Don't worry. Here are five ways to get around the blackout. Bits Blog: Wikipedia Blackout Lets In Some Light Despite Wikipedia's 24-hour blackout, it is still possible to read Wikipedia's content in a number of ways.
Key Words: blackout
