Cell Phone Jammer: Bus Rider Wants Quiet Ride; What is Cell Phone Jamming? If you've ever taken a ride on public transportation in Philadelphia, you know it can get a little noisy. Cell phone chatter fills the air on many of the city's buses, which can make for an unpleasant ride for some riders. One man, determined to stop the cell phone noise, was caught jamming people's cell phone transmissions on the public bus commute. Are Cell Phone Jammers The Next Big Thing? One jammer says: "I am not putting anyone in danger more than anyone on a subway with no cell reception is in danger." Cell phone jammer admits to 'taking the law into his own hands' A cell phone jammer in Philadelphia has admitted to blocking the phone calls of his fellow public transportation riders. Philadelphia Cell Phone Jammer Confronted NBC10 in Philadelphia has tracked down a man they caught jamming people's cell phone transmission on the public bus commute.The Philadelphia cell phone jammer was first discovered by an employee of the news station who wishes to remain anonymous, but … The Cell Phone Jammer on the Bus Goes Jam, Jam, Jam Eric lives in Philadelphia, he rides the 44 bus and he doesn't like when people talk on their cell phones in public. So he did what any enterprising geek would do: He brought a cell phone jammer on the bus with him. Philadelphia phone jammer 'proud' of blocking loud mobile users Meet Eric. He became so annoyed with his fellow bus passengers talking loudly on their cell phones that he bought a device that blocks phone signals. No doubt Eric will have his supporters, but the problem is that jammers like the one he's been using are illegal. Man who jammed phones: 'People are extremely loud' Frustrated with fellow bus riders incessantly talking on their cell phones, a Philadelphia man began jamming the cell reception to silence their conversations. The NBC10 Investigators tracked down the cell phone zapper who targets talkers on a SEPTA bus route. Electronic Vigilante Jamming Cell Phones on Busses Everyone hates it when loud, annoying people spoil otherwise pleasant public transit by yelling on their cell phones, but one man decided to take the law into his own hands and do something about it. A man who calls himself "Eric" has been riding Philadelphia busses with a cell phone jammer he bought on the ... Fed up with rude bus riders, man uses cell jammer to silence phones Illegal jammer bought on internet. Vigilant Quiet Keeper Jams Cell Phones On Philadelphia Buses If you step onto a Philadelphia bus with Eric (last name withheld) and you can't make a single call from your cellular device it's likely because he won't let you. Eric has become a silence vigilante of sorts, using a cellular phone jammer to stop people from talking loudly on their smartphone inside the enclosed [...] Vigilant Quiet Keeper Jams Cell Phones On Philadelphia Buses is a post from ...
Key Words: cell phone jammer