Great Pacific Garbage Patch a bigger worry than tsunami debris Debris from the Japanese tsunami is starting to wash ashore on the U.S. West Coast in a big way. Beachcombers from Northern California to Alaska are finding fishing floats, soccer balls and ships that have drifted thousands of miles across... Digging into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Our earth is covered by more than 75 percent water, yet we know more about the moon than the depths of the sea. Today on World Oceans Day we celebrate and honor oceans by recognizing the underwater footprint we all unknowingly leave behind. When it comes to plastic, what you throw away doesn't really go [...] Great garbage patch threatens Pacific The vast swirl of plastic waste floating in the North Pacific has grown 100-fold over the last 40 years, according to a research paper published Wednesday. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a swirling mass of marine debris, a Plastic Soup of discarded bags and bottles, in the north-east of the Pacific Ocean, whose mass is impossible to determine accurately. An expedition to explore the patch sets sail from San Diego, California on May 28. World's oceans are 'plasticized' A marine expedition of environmentalists has confirmed the bad news it feared -- the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" extends even further than previously known. Research ship finds the world's oceans are 'plasticized' A marine expedition of environmentalists has confirmed the bad news it feared -- the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" extends even further than previously known. Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Causing Bizarre Reaction The plastic debris are collecting together in the ocean to form the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is covering thousands of miles of ocean. This floating garbage patch is found in the middle of the . . . Plastic trash in Pacific Ocean continues to grow The amount of plastic in the ocean area known as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" has increased a hundredfold since the early 1970s, according to a new study, and the alarming findings could pressure California and other coastal states to do more to reduce plastic trash. Plastic in Pacific is changing ocean habitats, study shows In the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic has increased by 100 times over in past 40 years. Some sea creatures are now laying their eggs on plastic. Researchers Say 'Plastic Pollution' Destoying Earth's Oceans (CNN) — A marine expedition of environmentalists has confirmed the bad news it feared — the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch"...
Key Words: great pacific garbage patch