Saturday, September 8, 2012

Jennifer Granholm 'I probably shouldn't have gotten so worked up' in convention speech at the DNC Star turn Howard Dean meltdown or just a hilarious animated gif Watch read former Gov. Granholm's Passionate ExGov. says Obama was 'cavalry' that saved auto industry to speak during 8 p.m. hour Democratic Former seizes on abortion issue wake of Todd Akin remarks Mich. parole case challenges governor's authority Snyder ponders whether teachers will get $508 million refund after appeals court ruling Teachers unions say rules mandatory 3 percent deduction for healthcare is unconstitutional Public employees are American heroes Attacks Mitt Romney's Comment Detriot brings delegates their feet cheering rescue Best lines from John Kerry How did she rev up Democrat National Convention News Two Videos You Shouldn't Miss The Scream Revisited I'll Have Whatever She's Having

Jennifer Granholm's big night: The speech viewed 'round the world While she certainly electrified the Democratic National Convention, Jennifer Granholm also mildly shocked some of us folks back in Michigan who hadn't seen such a fiery side of Granholm in the eight years she served as our governor. Viewers either loved Jennifer Granholm's speech -- or were completely puzzled by it Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm's speech to the Democratic National Convention on Thursday evening didn't make prime time, but as the video of her energetic address was passed around the Internet, it inspired an outburst on Twitter that was still going strong 24 hours later. Fervent Granholm creates buzz Charlotte, N.C. — Love or hate it, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm's six-minute speech — complete with screams and wild gestures — on the $85 billion auto bailout was the buzz of the Democratic convention and the Internet. Jennifer Granholm: How did she rev up the DNC? (+video) Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, took some shots at Mitt Romney and Granholm talked about the number of auto industry jobs saved. Jennifer Granholm: How did she rev up the DNC? Jennifer Granholm, former governor of Michigan, took some shots at Mitt Romney and Granholm talked about the number of auto industry jobs saved. Was That Jennifer Granholm? Did somebody slip Jennifer Granholm 15 extra energy drinks before she spoke at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night? Watch Jennifer Granholm's DNC speech Thursday night, Jennifer Granholm wowed the crowd at the Democratic National Convention when she gave a moving speech about the U.S. auto industry collapse and subsequent bailout. Best lines of Democratic convention – from Jennifer Granholm to John Kerry (+video) Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Sen. John Kerry got in some good zingers. Bill Clinton was, well, Bill Clinton, and Malia and Sasha Obama still had to go to school today. Granholm: With Romney, 'Cars Get the Elevator, Workers Get the Shaft' Former Michigan governor-turned-Current TV host Jennifer Granholm brought the knives and plenty of energy to her speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night. Jennifer Granholm Gives Rousing Speech At DNC Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm delivering a rousing endorsement for President Obama at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night that some say was "over the top."
Key Words: Jennifer Granholm
