Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Loses More Advertisers Despite His Apology Radiohead Debuts New Song Comment on State Sen. Greg Brophy defends tweeted remarks about Sandra Fluke over flap Only You Can End the Tragic Cycle of Limbaugh's Trolling [Sandra Fluke] Video Activist called ‘slut’ by speaks out Lisa Wexler Thank AOL Pulls Ads From Limbaugh’s Show Jesse Berney What a Real Would Look Like What's Behind SlutShaming Inside Beltway Bill Maher unleashed rips Obama 'hypocrisy' is Not Winning Strategy UNC urged to cut radio ties Krystal Ball Rush's Is Too Little and Late PATRICIA HEATON SORRY FOR MOCKING SANDRA FLUKE ON TWITTER

Sandra Fluke, Anna Gristina, and Why Business Is Like Sex For a moment, it seemed like the best encapsulation of the culture wars this month was Rush Limbaugh's description of Sandra Fluke as a prostitute who wants to be paid to have sex. Sandra Fluke Pictures and Bio Sandra Fluke, a third-year law student at Georgetown University and former president of the Students for Reproductive Justice group there, testifies during a hearing before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee February 23, 2012 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Fluke was blocked from testifying at last week's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's contraceptives hearing ... Rush Limbaugh rips Obama 'hypocrisy' on Sandra Fluke (+video) Rush Limbaugh didn't much like what Obama had to say Tuesday about the still-reverberating Sandra Fluke 'slut' controversy. Limbaugh said the president hasn't denounced crudeness from fellow Democrats. Georgetown's Sandra Fluke Fallout Limbaugh's attack has led many at Georgetown to rally behind Fluke. Others say she does not speak for them—but they're afraid to speak out. By Allison Yarrow. Rush Limbaugh rips Obama 'hypocrisy' on Sandra Fluke Rush Limbaugh didn't much like what Obama had to say Tuesday about the still-reverberating Sandra Fluke 'slut' controversy. Limbaugh said the president hasn't denounced crudeness from fellow Democrats. Sandra Fluke Sparks Debate on Sexual Health of University Students Thanks to Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, the sex life of students, and women, has become the new hot topic. Called to testify for the defense of Democratic leaders and their contraception mandate, Fluke argued "the health" of women takes precedence over religious liberty. Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke is not a 'slut' or 'prostitute' Rush Limbaugh opened his syndicated radio show on Monday by reiterating the weekend apology he had made to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student whom the outspoken host had called a "slut" and "prostitute" for her testimony about contraception the week before. "I descended to [the left's] level when I used those two words to [...] Sandra Fluke, religious colleges and unexpected rules Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke testified on the Hill in late February and told the story of a friend who enrolled at the law school, paid for a required student health insurance plan and went to the pharmacy to pick up a birth control prescription — only to learn that she would have to pay the full price because her plan wouldn't cover it. Read full article >> Sandra Fluke: Rush Limbaugh's apology doesn't change anything Two days after Rush Limbaugh issued a tepid apology to Sandra Fluke, the woman who he called a "slut" and a "prostitute" for her advocacy for expansion of access to birth control, Fluke dismissed Limbaugh's statement as insufficient. Sandra Fluke: 'I would encourage everyone to go to Media Matters' In an appearance on ABC's "The View" on Monday, Georgetown Law student and women's contraception activist Sandra Fluke told viewers to check out Media Matters for examples of over-the-top conservative rhetoric.
Key Words: sandra fluke
