Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Video Campaign Aims to Bring Justice LRA Leader TAYLOR SWIFT STARS JOIN UGANDA CAMPAIGN Kony 2012 George Clooney Angelina Jolie and You Asked Save Africa's Invisible Children From Torture Some Afternoon Linkage How a Ugandan warlord went viral in 24 hours Who is Joseph Why video on has gone Central Africa’s “LRA” Sexual Slavery & Kidnapping Movie “Joseph Kony” online campaign bring Uganda war criminal justice goes Emeli Sande La Toya Jackson DJ Enuff Joell Ortiz Support KONY hostages go hungry as militants flee

Kony 2012: George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and You Asked to Save Africa's Invisible Children From Torture There's a global campaign to make Joseph Kony, the leader of Uganda's cruel guerilla army, "famous." "I'd like indicted war criminals to enjoy the same level of... What is 'Kony 2012'? Perhaps you've seen it popping up in your Facebook or Twitter feeds -- "StopKony2012" or "Kony 2012," "Invisible Children" or "Cover the Night." It's gone viral online -- topping the Twitter trends list for Seattle and the greater USA. So what the heck is Kony, and why should you care? Kony is Joseph Kony, a mad warlord who's been leading a rebel army fighting the ugandan government for decades ... Kony 2012 campaign goes viral in an effort to help hunt down Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony The Invisible Children's Kony 2012 campaign "aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice." Invisible Children responds to criticism about 'Stop Kony' campaign A new campaign spreading across the Internet says it has one goal in mind: Make Joseph Kony, the Ugandan leader of the violent Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) "famous" so he can be brought to justice. The viral film was created by Invisible Children , a charity that seeks to end the conflict in Uganda and raises awareness about the use of child soldiers and other human rights abuses by Kony and the ... Ugandan Warlord Joseph Kony Under Spotlight Thanks To Viral Video The hashtag term #stopkony is trending on Twitter, has been deluged with posts about Kony and he's the subject of a quickly growing number of blog posts and news stories. All thanks to an activist group's new video. Uganda warlord Joseph Kony goes viral KONY, Joseph Kony, is a man. A monster. And an American filmmaker wants to make him famous. Or, more accurately, infamous. Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video campaign questioned Kony 2012, a documentary posted online with the aim of taking down a Ugandan war criminal has gone viral. Kony 2012: Campaign to arrest war crim goes viral A CAMPAIGN to bring accused war criminal Joseph Kony, the fugitive head of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army rebels, to justice has gone viral on the internet. Kony 2012: Campaign to arrest rebel chief goes viral A CAMPAIGN to bring accused war criminal Joseph Kony, the fugitive head of Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army rebels, to justice has gone viral on the internet. Joseph Kony viral video campaign clouded in controversy As support for the global Kony 2012 campaign emerged swiftly, so did the suspicion and condemnation
Key Words: kony
